Sunday, June 26, 2011

Homemade RAW Whipped Cream!

I am in love with whipped cream. We have been involved in a sordid affair for several years and even though I know it's no good, I love it just the same. Starbucks whipped cream? Forget it, I'm obsessed.

Well, today I made some at home for the first time! I have some raw cream from Organic Pastures and I thought I'd give it a try. For my first attempt, I whisked by hand.. that was funny. I whisked for 10 minutes with no result so I gave up and poured it in my coffee. For attempt number 2, later in the day, I dug out the hand beater! It worked like a charm! I added 1/2 tsp of organic raw sugar and a dash of vanilla extract. Voila! Delicious!

{Arabella enjoyed some with strawberries}

{while I made a fresh pot of coffee and put some in there!}

Will you give homemade whoop cream (as Arabella calls it) a try?

1 comment:

  1. Starbuck's and I have a long standing relationship with whoop cream. I love it. Did you know they add a bit of vanilla to theirs as well? No wonder it's so GOOD.

    I just read your post on butter...and wanted to thank you for the tidbit on soy. I never did jump on the soy bandwagon...although we do enjoy edamame on occasion. Do those have the same affect?

    Have you seen Food Matters? VERY informative...I've watched it twice on netflix and plan to watch it much info to take in.

